Friday, September 21, 2007


Two days ago I got see one of my very best friends. Keep in mind that for the past month I have been hanging out with a six year old, a four year old and a two year old. It hasn't been that bad. Harrison and i have had some deep, meaningful conversations about how far he got on his star wars computer game. Needless to say i was very happy to see one of my friends, even if it was just for a couple of hours. Now my friend and i have the perfect relationship. I love that we can talk for thirty minutes about going to the bathroom and we are genuinely interested in what the other one has to say. We could talk for hours about shetland ponies. We make each other laugh until it hurts and everyone else around us is like, what the hell are they laughing about. They just don't get it. That's what I love about her. She just gets it. Well, anyway yesterday I had a long time to think. I started thinking about my friend. I thought about all my close friends. You know who you are. The ones that find you in a bathroom passed out cause you were so dehydrated from throwing up. The ones that sit with you in the hospital day after day. The ones that go get your medicine no matter what time of day or no matter how far away it is. The ones that make you laugh until your stomach hurts. The ones that sit on a porch for hours talking about nothing and everything in the same. The ones that tell you to stop eating the cookies and don't get mad when you hate them for just a second. The ones that are there for you no matter what hell and worry you have put them through. These people in my life are not my blood. I don't spend the holidays with most of them. We don't have big annoying reunions, but these friends are just as much my family as any other member of the clan. I love them with all my heart and I would not be alive today with out each and every one of them in some way!! Thank you for all the love and support you have given me. I love you guys! Long live the shetland king!

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