Friday, November 2, 2007


Ooohhhh I hate my diabetes, Ohhhhhhh I hate my diabetes, Ohhhhh I haaaaaaate my diabetes. That was a little diddy i just cooked up for you guys. I just had to spend $200 on my insulin. That I really don't have. Do you realize what you can get for $200? I could have gotten my hair cut and highlighted. I could have bought a cute pair of jeans. $200 could have bought me like 1000 cookies. So, I'm taking donations for my diabetic fund. No, I'm just kidding. I mean I would take the money, or gifts if you prefer. No, I'm just kidding again. Seriously though I would accept it. just a thought. I have to go exercise now. Just another thing that my stupid diabetes makes me do. It's not like I wake up and think oh I think I'll go run a few miles today. I need to trim off a few pounds. I wake up and think, well I guess I better go run for a while so I don't die or anything. Maybe I'll take a walk today so I don't have sugar spilling out into my pee. I should probably swim a couple of laps so my blood won't turn to acid. It's fun thoughts like those that get me pumped about my day. I think I'm gonna get a punching bag and paste signs on it that say things like, "dry mouth", "peeing every 15 minutes", No cupcakes", "Exercise", "Low blood sugar", "High blood sugar", "Shots (not the good kind)", Blood sugar (for the simple fact that I even have to know what it is)." I bet then it would be easy for me to exercise. I would just go hit that all day. I really want to be mad at someone, just anyone. Like I want to just go in the grocery store and as someone is passing by look in their cart and point out the things that I can't really eat, while yelling at them. Just screaming, " I can't have that, you wanna know why cause I have diabetes!! Yeah I have diabetes so that makes me mad at you!! Now get out of here!!!!" And then while they are wheeling away I mumble, "Stupid Chronic diseases." They would look back at me like I was crazy and I would just yell, "I SAID GET OUT OF HERE!!!" I think that would make me feel a little bit better about things...

1 comment:

Emily N said...

Please take your address off of there. I'm now paranoid that some stalker is going to come to your house. I'm such a mom. How did that happen?
Love Ya, Auntie Em