Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Once Again

I kind of feel like I fall really hard and then find the courage and strength somewhere to get back up and dust myself off. its like there is this little person inside of me that everyday fights a boxing match and at the end of most days she feels like she has lost and even if she has won for that day she is too exhausted from the fight to enjoy her victory. This little person really amazes me because everyday she wakes up inside me after I am usually the one that has knocked her down time and time again. She wakes up everyday ready to fight her fight for the day. Part of me cries when I think about this little person inside of me because of the strength she has day in and day out. I really have to sit down sometimes and realize that little person inside of me is my heart and my soul. Some days i feel so defeated and so warn down that its hard to get up again, but once again that little fighter in me, that little boxer that gets up everyday is once again ready to fight her fight...

1 comment:

Emily N said...

Hi Erin!
I finally got caught up on reading your blog. I hope you are feeling a little bit better today. Even though I don't post all the time it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you a ton. I have to say for the record that Holly's names for your blood sugars are perfect - too too funny! I also want to say that maybe when we're down there next week we can go to a yoga class together. I think you doing yoga is a great idea - it makes me feel the same way when I get to do it. Looking forward to seeing you and the whole gang!!!! I'm going to go get that book to read on the plane by the way.