Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ahhh, Sleep!

I slept through the night! This may be or should be a regular occurrence for most but not for me.  It is very rare that I sleep through the night. It has been that way for a long time too. Ten years to be exact.  Well, if I want to be exact it has been ten years, six months and three days since i started showing signs of having diabetes.  Waking up in the middle of the night to drink a bottle of water and go pee every hour. It was like clock work too. Every hour on the dot.  It has been that way ever since. Not to that extreme as much but it is usually two to three times a night.  All that changed about two weeks ago though and instead of waking up to down some water and try to make it to the bathroom, I was waking up to cold sweats, shaking, and the uncontrollable urge to eat anything I could. Low Blood Sugars! It is like a totally different life right now.  It is like one extreme to another and trying to find the balance is exhausting.  So, when i woke up at 7 this morning, I was a little shocked to see that it was 7.  It was like something in me calmed down a little bit. Something said, "you are gonna make it through this." And as i picked up my crutches and headed to breakfast a tiny little smile of ease. A small smile of relief came across my face.

Have a Great Day!!

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