Thursday, February 11, 2010


walking is a lot harder than i remember it. the past two days i have been walking without crutches and for the most part it has been good. of course it hurts and of course it gets swollen. the doctor says that is totally normal though.  the thing that is kind of bothering me is the the sound of grinding bones or joints going in and out of spaces in between these said bones. it doesn't really hurt. just the sound alone is making me want to grit my teeth.  i guess i shouldn't complain though. at least i am walking. so what if i have a permanent gangster lean. i'm cool with it.  my doctor told me though the other day he was very proud of me for the recovery that i have made. he said that most people that he sees that had what i had come back months later and they have to cut off their foot or leg. i will take that to mean i am a success!!

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