Monday, March 10, 2008

a beautiful morning

Now, i say it's a beautiful morning but i really don't know that cause it's still dark. It's 6:45 but we moved our clocks forward so it kind of is still 5:45. I feel like it is gonna be a beautiful morning though. I have, have, have to start exercising and eating better. I'm starting to gain weight and i really don't like it very much!! I have been really good the past three days or so. I was eating a lot of vegetables and salads. I snack a lot though and that doesn't help and when i am at work which is pretty much all the time i drink way to much soft drinks. I take my medicine for it but I just drink way too much. I have found that if i bring my own water that helps and if I chew gum it helps too. I had a low blood sugar at work yesterday and it was not cool. I couldn't get it back up for the life of me. I am always afraid that i will just pass out at a table. That wouldn't be funny. Something that is pretty funny though is that this girl fell at work the other day. we were closed so it was only in front of employees. It was funny, but there was one thing that made it hysterical. She had a styrofoam to go cup in her hand, and i guess cause she got scared in the middle of her fall she gripped the cup so tight that is split in half. I literally almost peed in my pants. She also took down a wooden silverware holder off the wall with her. This was three days ago and we still act it out at work. I had root beer come out of my nose last night because of it. That stuff kind of burns coming out of your nose. well i'm off to have my starbucks and plan my day. have a good one!

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