Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I have an excuse

My internet has been not working very well lately so it has been kind of difficult to write on here. I have been doing ok I guess. I'm not where I want to be exactly but who is when it comes to eating right or exercising??? I had a low blood sugar this morning that was not so fun. I wish I could explain exactly how these feel. It's like your body isn't yours. It is a completely foreign object for however long it lasts and the only thing you want to do is jump out of it and it just won't let you. I hate it when it gets so bad that you start to get the cold sweats and then your whole body is soaked in a matter of seconds. It's really stupid.

After I slept for a little bit cause i was just really weak I had to run some errands. I was stopped at a red light and I saw the guy from starbucks drive by. Yes, I know what his car looks like cause I'm basically in love with him. Anyway he was on his phone and I don't know why I even wanted to get his attention but I did. Looking back on the whole situation now, it probably wasn't such a great idea to honk at him. It's like I get all flustered when I am near him and all good judgement doesn't seem to exist. Of course when I honked at him he literally had to swerve to miss from hitting the car in front of him cause he was so startled. I slowly just put my head against the steering wheel and prayed that he didn't know it was the hand lover!

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