Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Holy Crap!!

Oh my goodness I feel like my world is just going so fast. I have these mini panic attacks cause i feel like the next two weeks are
filled with so much to do. Mainly I have the panic attacks cause i'm spending money on furniture cause i'm moving in to my new place, a new car cause i sold mine for no real reason other than I didn't want one then realized that I probably still need one. I'm not in Chicago yet so I can't really take the train or walk everywhere. I'm about to go on this trip to California which is surprisingly the thing that is not really costing me much at all. I'm so excited to just get away but I have to get all my other stuff done first. I have to make sure I have all my medicine and enough of it just in case i drop a bottle of insulin and it shatters everywhere, which I have done once or twice. I was so pissed off about that. I have to go see the doctor for a drug test and a TB test for this class I'm taking. I have to make sure everything is good with my apartment like the electric, water and cable. I'm calling about a million people on craigslist for furniture. My head is literally spinning. I'm like that girl from the exorcist. It's funny though cause i feel like I have so much going on and I'm so stressed out but God always humbles me. I had a friend call me about an hour ago just in total crisis and they just have hit rock bottom and don't know where to go. It really made me put things in perspective. All these things that I'm stressed out about are actually really great, fun gifts. I also thought about my life about 8 months ago and It made me feel so sick. I hate thinking about that time in my life but I know that from time to time i need to so I know that I never want to be there again. I love everyone!!! I hope you all had a happy easter, and are having a wonderful week!!!

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