Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So I just woke up and it is three in the p.m.. I have kind of a good reason though. I had three, yes three low blood sugars in the middle of the night. i do not know what was wrong with me I just could not get my sugar to stay up. The last one was bad too. I think i ate half the jar of peanut butter. I'm just kind of wiped out right now. I probably should not have slept until three though. I actually don't know how I did it because i think the little ones have formed an alliance against me and they try to see which one can bust my ear drums first. I think Lila is in the lead. She just screams for no reason at all. I just don't get it? I mean I don't remember being a kid and screaming for every emotion possible. I'm starting to think she might just stop talking one of these days. Anyway, I have to work in a little bit, hopefully I won't stay up too late so I can get back on some sort of a routine.

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