Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Ok I have been trying to write this blog for about fifteen minutes now. For some reason I accidentally turned a translation button on somewhere. I was getting so frustrated! Everything i was writing was in Hindu!! I really was getting angry. At one point I think I called the computer a stupid bastard. Well anyway last night was not so good for me. I started having pain in my side again with the rattling noise too. I'm not really sure what it is but i really don't like it. I went to see my new endocrinologist today. He was pretty cool. He was very straight forward about things. He is from Argentina and he kept calling me erwin, which made me giggle inside!! Maybe he will get my name right someday. I kind of liked being called erwin though. It was like I was a different person. I'm kind of just blah again today. I need to find a job to occupy my time. I went to see one of the hospitals yesterday and I really really want to work there. We'll see I guess. My blood sugar was 400 this morning which is not very good, but shit happens i guess. I feel really fat today too. I wish that I could listen to what other people say, like you aren't fat at all, and believe them. It all comes down to what i feel. Even if 1000 model agencies told me I had the perfect body or the really hot guy sitting next to me in the computer lab right now said I was amazingly beautiful, it would still be me that was judging me. That sucks!! oh well, we all have our struggles. I hope everyone is having a glorious day!!

1 comment:

Morning Rider said...

So you still working on that novel?