Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I really really hate low blood sugars

I hate low blood sugars with a passion. I woke up this morning with one and that is seriously the worst feeling ever. I have been close to dying before and I think that a low blood sugar is worse. It's almost like the feeling you get when you are about to go on a first date, which is kind of that nervous excitement feeling mixed with really having your heart broken, mixed with a hunger that can not be filled by anything you eat. It's awful. I had one this morning and once i started eating I couldn't stop. It was unbelievable how much i ate. I had like ten pieces of bacon, two glasses of orange juice, two english muffins, some ice cream, pudding, grahm crackers, granola bars, peanut butter, a ton of sugar free cookies. I started crying and threw everything that i really liked eating away. Not everything but the stuff that i ate too much of at the wrong times i just threw it away. It sucks because I am not a very patient person at all. I wanted to be able to trust myself after a month. I wanted to be able to know that I could do this without any question. I took insulin for everything i ate. I thought about making myself throw up, but i didn't. Today was a bad start. Hopefully it will get better. Hopefully i will get better.


sue said...

Tomorrow will be better. We love you.

Caity said...

story of my effing life! Erin I know exactly what your going through. Joss told me to look at your blog and now i know im not the only one having to deal with this!