Sunday, October 14, 2007

High Blood Sugars

I gotta tell you how annoying high blood sugars are. They don't really have an immediate physical annoyance especially if they are around 200 or so. I never know that I have a high until i check my sugar. Its like I'm going about my day. I had a great breakfast, played a little tennis, maybe watched a little Ellen Degeneres and had a few laughs. My stomach starts a rumblin. Oh!! It's time to eat a delicious, nutritious lunch. Prick my finger, which hurt a bit but not too bad this time. 5...4...3...2...1... BAAAAAMMM. A high blood sugar. I don't understand it? I did everything right. I calculated that it was that time of the month for me. I knew that I had taken exactly 5,653 1/2 steps all day. I accounted for the little giggle for Ellen. I knew that I was a little stressed about various things so I counted that. It was ten degrees higher today than yesterday, counted that. I ate 10/18ths of my apple so I know i counted my carbs correctly. Then it came to me!! I had tripped over a rock while trying to get as close as I could to a squirrel without it running away. I know that all of you have played this game. I actually got extremely close one time but thoughts of the squirrel attacking me popped into my head so I calmly and very slowly backed away. Anyway the point is that tripping over the rock and the fear of falling sent out millions of hormones through my body, therefore causing my blood sugar to rise. How annoying is that?? Stupid squirrel...