Sunday, October 21, 2007


I'm sitting drinking my morning tea and I just close my eyes. The sound of silence fills me and the only thing i can feel is the slow and steady motion of my breathing. Thoughts of total joy pop into my brain as I effortlessly let them take me over. Swinging on the swing sets in the autumn, just when it starts to turn cold. Waking up but still being in a dream state. The sound of my sister laughing. Kisses on the forehead. The way a puppy nudges up against you to pet them. Reading the last page of an amazing book. Watching a movie that moves you. Listening to music that makes you want to dance. Tasting a new recipe for the first time and loving it. Talking at Starbucks for hours about nothing and everything. When something genuinely makes me smile. Knowing that today is gonna be better than yesterday. I think of all these things and I am filled with joy. I know that i have had some tough moments, and I definitely know that I have such a long way to go but at this moment. Right now at this very moment all I can feel is joy... and it feels wonderful.

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