Friday, October 5, 2007

I am LAZY!!

I'm not really that lazy, but it feels like it sometimes. I need to get a job, but I only want to work at a hospital and those jobs aren't just handed out like candy at a fourth of July parade. Haha. I just made that up. I have a confession to make though, since i have not been working i have been watching so much tv. I LOVE IT!! I mean i really love it. Most people would be would be going crazy being bored all day just watching tv. I think that these people have not taken the time to actually appreciate the world of reality tv. It can be sad, funny and even inspiring at times. I mean when Bret Michaels told the stripper that he couldn't see her anymore on Rock of Love, it was sad, funny and inspiring all in one!!! I'm just playing around, i still get out of the house and lay by the pool. Oh what a life I live. I'm enjoying myself actually. Being by myself and just sorting things out. It's going good. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same.

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